Saturday, December 27, 2014

Twin bed frame becomes bench!

I've had this twin bed frame in my basement for a while now:

 I wasn't quite sure why I was holding on to it.  Now I'm glad I did.  It has become a pretty little bench:

Here's how I did it...

Step 1 - Cut the foot board down the middle.  I used a jig saw and it worked just fine.  I also inserted 4 pocket holes using my Kreg Jig to each half of the foot board.

Step 2 - Attach each halved foot board to the head board and add supports for bench boards.

Step 3 - Cut boards to size for bench seat.

Step 4 - Paint with Chalk Paint and distress as desired.  I then applied furniture wax and attached stained and sealed bench boards.  I forgot to take interim pictures...was too excited.  But here are some pictures of the finished product.

Need a little extra storage in the bedroom? 

Here's an easy solution...drawers (on wheels) for under the bed.

 I started by building a couple boxes...

Added some paint...
Handles and wheels...

That's it! Easy lets just hope they fit :)


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why I love estate sales....

The following are just a few of the reasons I love estate sales...










Monday, December 15, 2014

Metal Cookware

So, I found these beauties at an estate sales a few weeks back...


The friend that was with me, just shook her head when I told her I had to buy them.  I'm kind of used to that by now.

I've only just begun discovering what they will be....focusing first on the pots to the right (shown again below, up close and personal).

The one on the bottom was pretty gnarly.

But after a good cleaning, they were perfect to test my flower arranging skills.

Check back to see what the others become!


Monday, December 8, 2014

Cable Spool Turned Coffee Table

I found an old cable spool at an estate sale a couple weeks ago.  It was back in the corner of the basement...dirty and covered in dust.  Overall, it just didn't look like much... which meant I had to have it.

With a little sanding, stain and polyurethane, it started to look a little better...
I added black plumbing pipe for the legs and voila! It's a pretty sweet coffee table.

Let me know what you think.
